possible enhancement request

Andrew MacLachlan amaclach at yahoo.co.uk
Tue May 29 00:59:36 IST 2007

It would have to be a pre-defined string

So to put some logic around it, if a message is outbound, remove any inbound signature.

To be honest, I'd be happy with just removing/breaking the report as spam link to stop people clicking on it just to see what happens...

The report as spam link always starts the same way:


Maybe the function could just break that to make it something like:

or just remove that line completely...

----- Original Message ----

From: "Koopmann, Jan-Peter" <jan-peter at koopmann.eu>

To: MailScanner discussion <mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info>

Sent: Monday, 28 May, 2007 5:57:53 PM

Subject: RE: possible enhancement request

On Monday, May 28, 2007 5:50 PM Andrew MacLachlan wrote: 

> How difficult would it be to remove old footers off the bottom of

> forwards/replies 

I am afraid extremely difficult as you are opening pandoras box here.

:-) How do you discover an "old footer"?

Kind regards

Jan-Peter Koopmann


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