yum based install
Kai Schaetzl
maillists at conactive.com
Fri May 25 00:31:17 IST 2007
Hugo van der Kooij wrote on Thu, 24 May 2007 21:06:32 +0200 (CEST):
> If one installs perl from CPAN then one is unlikely to use yum just to
> install mailscanner. But for those that perfer to let the package manager
> take care of it the package.
> Dag also expressed his interrest in adding mailscanner to rpmforge if you
> feel uncomfortable with maintaing a repository.
General problem is that usually not all required Perl rpms are available
from a "well known" repo. So, you are likely going to miss a few and have to
install these manually (for instance by unpacking Jules' rpm), anyway.
If Dag is going to make sure that all the necessary Perl rpms are also
available this would be great and you could indeed use yum for MailScanner
updates in the future. Quite welcome.
Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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