2 recpientis with diferent spam.actions

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Mon May 21 18:04:49 IST 2007

Eduardo Casarero spake the following on 5/21/2007 9:34 AM:
> Hi, i need your advice, one of my users told me that a email with the
> spam tag did not stay in quarantine and was deliver to his inbox.
> Checking the email, it was a mail with 2 recpients one belongs to 1
> domain that has an spam action 'store,deliver,header' and the other
> recipient just 'store,header'.
> Checking the Mailscanner.conf i found the parameter 'Use Default Rules
> With Multiple Recipients' that is set to 'no' . The comments on
> mailscanner.conf says that if you set 'no' it will match the first rule
> aviable and exit. is that correct? Should i put 'yes'??
> Thanks!!!
> Eduardo.
You need to split messages for multiple recipients if you want it to work


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