way OT: add header (mailscanner) to be parsed by Outlook plugin for reporting false-negatives?

DAve dave.list at pixelhammer.com
Mon May 21 13:45:07 IST 2007

Furnish, Trever G wrote:
> Ok, sorry to go so far OT, but if you all can wax sentimental about
> perforators and the Tardis, I this this ought to be ok. :-)  I even
> added a mailscanner function (adding a header to a processed message) to
> make it slightly more ON-topic.
> I already have a modified MailWatch in place that let's users see their
> quarantined mail and release messages one at a time, and I can easily
> have MailScanner add a header to "ham" containing information to be
> acted on by a user agent (Outlook).  I'm wondering though, has anyone
> put together an add-on for Outlook to allow easy "Report this message as
> spam" functionality?  I'd like my (Outlook) users to be able to report
> spam that I've missed without having to leave the client to do so.
> I'd imagine it working like so:
> For "ham", MS would add a header with uniquely identifiable info, such
> as the message ID.  When the message is viewed in Outlook, the user
> would say, "Hey, this is missed spam!", and click a checkbox, which
> would in turn causethis (as yet non-existant?) Outlook plugin to do
> *something* (such as executing a program in another thread, quietly)
> which would connect to my mailscanner system and report the message as
> spam.
> I'm seriously considering writing such a plugin, but if anyone's already
> done so or has a better solution, I'd rather avoid the wasted effort.

Please don't, please. Currently that is how AOL works, anyone can 
determine for any reason that the message you sent them is spam. Next 
thing you know you get blocked, or greylisted, or stuck on a BL. You 
know they completed a double opt in, you have their response, you held 
the hoop for them to jump through, and still they mark it as Spam. The 
best part is AOL, Hotmail, Comcast, don't give a rat's A*& that you can 
prove the user chose to receive the mail. It's still Spam and weeeeeee 
on to the deferred list you go, you evil spammer.

I spend several hours a month cleaning up behind users who think the 
"Spam" button is the cure for their ill, if more systems allowed users 
that power it will just make things worse.

I have had the eye opening experience on two occasions to hear a degreed 
individual give the advice, "go ahead and sign up now and then mark it 
as Spam later". My wife has to keep sharp objects away from me when 
other people talk about email.


Three years now I've asked Google why they don't have a
logo change for Memorial Day. Why do they choose to do logos
for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.

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