locking bayes?

Gareth list-mailscanner at linguaphone.com
Mon May 21 11:20:04 IST 2007

On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 10:55, Greg Matthews wrote:
> I have developed a shell script that takes uses LVM snapshots to backup 
> volumes on a mail server. I am able to get a read-lock on the MySQL 
> MailWatch table and was wondering if I could do the same with the bayes 
> database to ensure it is consistent.
> At the moment, I am relying on the robustness of BerkeleyDB to be able 
> to recover from a possibly inconsistent state. This is not ideal.
> The snapshot process is very quick so the lock could be released almost 
> immediately.

You could always configure bayes to use the sql database.

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