Bayes disk space usage fast increase

Gareth list-mailscanner at
Wed May 16 10:46:47 IST 2007

On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 10:39, Fabien GARZIANO wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm stuck on an issue with my MailScanner mail gateway, actually with
> the bayesian database. I don't use any database so my bayesian files are
> on my /var FS. Since 2 days, disk space usage is fastly increasing and
> I'll soon be short of disk space. As far as I can see in logs, I don't
> find any explanation about this. I've looked in the FAQ on the website,
> and I don't see any thing like this. 

Can you do a directory listing on the offending bayes files so we can
see how big each one of them is.

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