Interesting need

Andrew MacLachlan amaclach at
Tue May 8 01:04:25 IST 2007

lol - Exchange isn't too bad to run, but it needs a specialist - not just someone to do a next, next, next install and hope it's still working in a year.
Maybe Zimbra?

----- Original Message ----
From: Scott Silva <ssilva at>
To: mailscanner at
Sent: Monday, 7 May, 2007 11:43:37 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting need

Andrew MacLachlan spake the following on 5/7/2007 2:14 PM:
> Or if you use Exchange internally - setup a rule, that way you can also forward all internal messages. (no anti exchange rants please - It's paid many of my bills...)
No anti-exchange rants here, you administer what the check signers want to run.
I am fending off a possible move to Exchange or Notes. I am hoping that they
will wince at the costs. They pay me anyway, and I have told them that they
would need to add a warm body for either option. I don't have any time left in
the day.

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