Trouble with Mailscanner and Postfix 2.2.10

patrik patrik at
Sat Mar 24 19:00:34 CET 2007

Hi people.


This is my first time in that list. 


Please i´m having the next trouble I sent a mail to destination and the
system receive the messages MailScanner start to look for virus with
deferred but he didn’t deliver the message to mail box, it remains at


It happens with incoming and outgoing messages.



I could note that its happens when I use Postfix 2.2 or high, if I use
postfix 2.1.x no problem everything works fine.


Now I’am using Centos 4.4 kernel 2.6.9-42, Postfix 2.2.10,


Can some one help me 




 Chorus Informatica

    Patrik Souza - Diretor   

    Phone: 11 56216177

      Mobile: 11 99018568 


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