Message from Jules

Res res at
Thu Mar 8 23:38:01 CET 2007

On Thu, 8 Mar 2007, Yu Chen wrote:

>> That's excellent news. :-)

Bloody oath!

>> Jules, take it easy and give yourself some time and relax before playing
>> with MailScanner again.
> Second that, take time, don't rush, your health is more important!

I fully agree, rushing back into your old routine can have serious 
consequences, take the time off to relax and get back to normal at your 
bodies capable pace, not the pace you want, and then, no more working 
as much as you have been, it's not good for you, trust me, I know :)
I was once a sweet kind person, hard to believe hey :P


"If I lay here, If I just lay here, would you lay with with me and just forget the world?"

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