Michele Neylon :: Blacknight michele at blacknight.ie
Wed Mar 7 21:32:53 CET 2007

Glenn Steen wrote:
> I don't think Michele or Billy mentions this, but ... you are using
> way to many in MailScanner to be really healthy for your processing
> times...

I was on my best behaviour :)

I was tempted to say "eek! that's madness", but I didn't... Oh wait, I 
just did :)

> MailScanner will do the lookups serially, one after the other. Far
> better to defer most to SpamAssassin, which will do them in parallell.
> Many prefer to do a few (or all) RBLs in the MTA, to be able to handle
> the refused ones as little as possible. Some, like me, who (for
> diverse reasons that we won't go into here) can't use them at the MTA
> level will use one or possibly two in MailScanner and the rest in SA.
> Having them all as you do... could spell trouble of another sort than
> the obvious one you've already seen:-)

The other thing worth mentioning, is that you should try to mirror some 
of them as close to you as possible if you can. Regardless of where the 
lookup is being done (SA, MTA or MS) the closer the DNSBL is to you the 
faster the response

Mr Michele Neylon
Blacknight Solutions
Hosting & Colocation, Brand Protection
Tel. 1850 927 280
Intl. +353 (0) 59  9183072
UK: 0870 163 0607
Fax. +353 (0) 59  9164239

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