Increase in Spam getting through today?

Anthony Peacock a.peacock at
Wed Mar 7 14:26:21 CET 2007


Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Mar 2007, Paul Houselander wrote:
>> Just a quick one, weve had a massive increase in spam getting through 
>> today,
>> lots of stock ones, I wondered if anyone else was seeing the same?
>> There scoring 0 even though they look very spammy to me.
>> There defintly not timing out and im still stopping a large amount of 
>> spam.
>> I cant figure out if spammers have all of a sudden got very clever at
>> bypassing spamassasin or if something is wrong with my filters!
>> I use Spamassasin 3.1.7, sa-update, rules_du_jour, fuzzyocr, DCC, 
>> Pyzor and
>> Razor and Bayes is enabled.
>> Ive run spamassasin -t -D < message on several of the messages and DCC is
>> firing now (but only DCC), so I know Spamassasin is being run on the 
>> message
>> but no other rules are being hit!
> Sounds like your SA database is polutted.
> In my experience it is wise to keep a sample set op SPAM and HAM 
> messages at hand. (both just over 200 examples)
> Then kill your bayesian database and relearn.
> I find that afetr such an action filtering with SpamAssassin is much 
> more accurate on all messages.

You may be right... But I don't think there is enough evidence in the 
original problem description to warrant such a drastic action.  In my 
experience Bayes is very stable, I have never had to rebuild the 
database because it became "polluted".

If the OP can place an example message (with full headers) on a web site 
where we can get to it, many people here will be able to run that 
message through their systems.

Also post the output you get from running spamassassin -t -D on the 
message, someone may be able to spot where things are going wrong.

Anthony Peacock
CHIME, Royal Free & University College Medical School
"If you have an apple and I have  an apple and we  exchange apples
then you and I will still each have  one apple. But  if you have an
idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us
will have two ideas." -- George Bernard Shaw

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