quarantined non-spam attachments

Brent Addis brent.addis at pronet.co.nz
Fri Mar 2 03:05:21 CET 2007


We currently store mail in quarantine for a few users, for a set period 
of days. this includes non spam. Some of these clients have messages 
numbering in the thousands. Now, obviously releasing all of these 
messages with mailwatch is a bit difficult (Being that it releases one 
at a time).

Is there an easilly scriptable way of either, sending these messages to 
the client, in such a way that they can actually see attachments and use 
them, or copying out the attachment, which I can put into a directory 
for the client to access. Sending standard text as attachments is easy 
enough, however the attached files also come through as text, which is 
less than helpful for things such as word documents.

I currently have a script that runs through all the quarantine 
directories, copies needed messages into a directory, and either mails 
them off, or lets the client access them via ftp/smb/webdav

Having mailscanner email messages to an email address does not really 
work in this situation.

any ideas, or software that may be able to help?




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