clamav and mailscanner

Zivago Lee z at
Thu Mar 1 20:02:46 CET 2007

> On 01/03/07, Zivago Lee <z at> wrote:
>> > Well... After changing it again yesterday, did it "anti-magically"
>> > return to 0700 during the night?
>> > There are things you could try I suppose, like running a manual
>> > freshclam (after changing the permissions) as root and see whether
>> > that resets them (rather doubt that:-), and check through any cron
>> > scripts that might be involved (the freshclam one would be the first
>> > to read through:).
>> Actually, yes it did.  I was just on the clamav-users list and here is
>> an
>> email from the Tomasz:
>> ====
>> On Thu, 01 Mar 2007 11:09:49 -0500
>> Craig Green <cgreen at> wrote:
>> > The failure happens when the perms on the directory
>> > mysteriously become 700 and thus deny group reads.  Since the vast
>> Thanks for the good report, the problem is now fixed in SVN.
>> --
>>    oo    .....         Tomasz Kojm <tkojm at>
>>   (\/)\.........
>>      \..........._         0DCA5A08407D5288279DB43454822DC8985A444B
>>        //\   /\              Thu Mar  1 17:47:37 CET 2007
>> ====
>> I guess I will turn off the freshclam daemon for the timebeing and just
>> manually do it everyday.
> Thanks for the update Zivago. As a stopgap you _could_ enhace the
> autoupdate script to reset the perms, but that might be run as postfix
> too... which might not work that well:-).
> Or just gut it out till they produce an update. As it is rather big
> change going to .90, I'd guess that we'll see a new one rather soner
> than later (that always being the trend with any software version
> X.0:-).

I was looking at the freshclam.conf, I saw this:

#OnUpdateExecute command

Maybe I could have it chmod 755 the dir after it does an update.

Zivago Lee
z at

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