Multiple MailScanner servers

Derek Buttineau derek at
Tue Jun 26 21:12:57 IST 2007

On 2007-Jun-26, at 3:47 PM, Eugene MacDougal wrote:

> Are there any recommended methods for pushing changes from one  
> MailScanner to another in a multiple server environment?  I am  
> about to deploy three MS servers and am curious what everyone else  
> does.
> I'm planning on scp'ing the files to my other servers and using  
> sudo to install them in the appropriate places.
> Am I doing the best thing already, or is there some "super-cool"  
> admin tool that I've not read about.

I use rsync to synchronize the configuration files on my config  
server to the mailscanner servers.

The servers run a small daemon that watches for changes to files in  
this synched directory and will move changed files to their proper  
directories and restart mailscanner.


Derek Buttineau
Internet Systems Developer
Compu-SOLVE Internet Services
Compu-SOLVE Technologies, Inc

Phone:  705-725-1212 x255
E-Mail:  derek at

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