Bug in 4.58.9 ?

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at USherbrooke.ca
Tue Jun 26 19:47:26 IST 2007

Denis Beauchemin a écrit :
> Hello,
> Yesterday I got sendmail errors on 10 emails processed by MS.  
> Sendmail complained about invalid lines in the q* file.  Turns out the 
> subject line had many returns (^M) while there was an unencoded 
> accented character on the subject line.
> Here is an example from a Q* file:
> HX-Mailer: WhatCounts
> HX-UdeS-MailScanner: Aucun code suspect =?ISO-8859-1?Q?d=E9tect=E9?=
> HX-MailScanner-SpamCheck: n'est pas un polluriel, SpamAssassin (not 
> cached,
>        score=-1.103, requis 4.5, BASE64_LENGTH_79_INF 1.50, BAYES_00 
> -2.60)
> HSubject:
> Jean-Fran?ois, envoyez des messages qui en disent long
> HX-Spam-Status: No
> The subject line has ^M that sendmail doesn't like.  I just removed 
> them and renamed the Q* files to q* and then sendmail was happy to 
> send them.
> I'm not sure if the problem comes from the sender but I received over 
> 2000 emails from them yesterday and only 9 had this problem.

This is a follow up on my problem: it didn't happen since so I figure it 
was not MS's fault! :-)


  °v°   Denis Beauchemin, analyste
 /(_)\  Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
  ^ ^   T: 819.821.8000x62252 F: 819.821.8045

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