Bug in 4.58.9 ?

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at USherbrooke.ca
Fri Jun 22 04:33:43 IST 2007

Res a écrit :
> Hash: SHA1
> NotDashEscaped: You need GnuPG to verify this message
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Denis Beauchemin wrote:
>> I don't install every new release because most of the time I don't 
>> really need the new features they provide.  I don't have the time to 
>> install
> Really so you dont need to impliment BUG FIXES either *sigh*
> if you took the time to read the changelogs you'd see they are not 
> just new feature releases.
I didn't say I don't install bug fixes. My systems are fully patched (at 
least according to RH releases). I read this list every day and I know 
what's new and what's been fixed and there was nothing about such a bug!
> Anyay if someone else wishes to waste their time on you with your 
> attitude thats fine, it wont be me.
>> everything new just because there is a new version available either.  
>> This is just plain stupid to tell someone to upgrade to the latest 
>> release when they run a quite recent one.  I am not running a one 
>> year old version!
> Then dont expect help on say the bind list (and countlesss others) 
> either because you will be told the same thing
And they may be right to do so but this is not always required.  I know 
that the MS release I run is quite close to the current one and it won't 
help me to install it just to tell you that I'm running the latest release.

Anyhow this request was more targeted towards Julian than other users.

Don't bother arguing with me as I am going on vacation for a couple of 
days and I won't read your mails on the beach.


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