milters with postfix and news update

Julian Field MailScanner at
Tue Jun 26 16:07:14 IST 2007

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Any updates on when you might be able to get this little bug fixed for 
me please?

I would like to put out a new version at the start of July if possible, 
as there are some new features which you may find interesting (thanks to 
Matt Hampton!), plus of course the bug-fixes to the auto-zip functionality.

The new feature is a system of watermarking outgoing messages in the 
Message-ID header. The contents of this header should be replicated in 
any incoming replies to the message. So if you get a matching watermark 
in the incoming reply, you can skip the spam checks as you know it's a 
reply to one of your own messages. The advantage of this is that you 
cannot accidentally lose replies to the spam checks. If you don't get a 
reply to a message, you can be sure it's because they didn't send one! 
(or else because their rubbish non-MailScanner-based system decided to 
throw away your original message, of course :-)

My thanks go out to Matt Hampton for all his excellent work designing 
and implementing this new feature. The only thing I did was change the 
name from an acronym (something to do with EMEWs!) to "watermarking" to 
make it simpler to understand, bearing in mind that many of my users 
don't speak English as their first language and so need words they can 
easily look up and comprehend :-)

I've just got to write the documentation for it, and get you guys to 
test it.

P.S. I went to see my consultant yesterday. Basically my body is 
repairing my missing portal vein (the one that carries mucky blood into 
your liver for cleaning) by actually growing a new one. Cool or what! 
And he wants me to talk to the liver transplant team from Cambridge 
about the possibility of getting me a pre-loved one that works rather 
better than mine does.

Cheers all,

Glenn Steen wrote:
> On 22/06/07, Glenn Steen <glenn.steen at> wrote:
>> Get me a sample. . . T9 playing tricks on me:)
>> On 22/06/07, Glenn Steen <glenn.steen at> wrote:
>> > Could you get of a sample queue file? Both before and after?
>> >
>> > On 22/06/07, Nerijus Baliunas <nerijusb at> wrote:
>> > > Hello,
>> > >
>> > > I updated to postfix 2.4.3 and mailscanner 4.61.3 and the old 
>> problem
>> > > with corrupted headers is back again. But the "   0" is added not 
>> after
>> > > the last header as before, but in the middle of the headers:
>> > >
>> > > From: Nerijus Baliunas <xxx at>
>> > > Subject: 2
>> > >   0
>> > > To: postmaster at
>> > >
>> > > Any ideas? Should I provide email samples and queue files again?
>> > >
>> > > Regards,
>> > > Nerijus
> Well, thanks to Nerijus, who sent a comprehensive set of queue files
> and the corresponding (mangled) results, I now see that something (in
> MailScanner) has botched the w (deleted) record in the problem case
> ...
> When I find them in the body, I simply ignore them, but in the header
> section(s) I fall back on Jules sane thing of simply copying them over
> as is ... This seems to be less than working though, so I'll either do
> a patch (next week) to simply skip them in the header(s) too, or try
> make sure they don't get mangled (if I can find out why).
> The first method is quite sane, since we really don't need them... And
> it just might be that we should (contraintuitively) do the
> "reintroduction of an empty p record" I talked about a while back, if
> postfix itself relies on the occurrence of p records to correctly
> handle w records (I haven't checked the PF code for this... Just might
> be something like that happening... Sigh).
> When I do something about this, I'll do the fix for Fred Stein too, to
> only do the body spin-through in ReadQf for queue files containing p
> records... Thinking like Linus.... "Don't sacrifice the common case
> performance for the odd case":-).
> Since I'm off celebrating a traditional midsummer's eve (with all that
> entails (see how restrained I am, Hugo:-)) I wouldn't trust any code
> leaving my fingers ... So it'll have to be sometime Monday or Tuesday
> ... at the earliest:-)
> BTW Jules, when you feel a bit better you really should come sample
> the pickled herring ... and ... assorted attributes...:-). Would be a
> shame if the world tour was on hold indefinitely;-)
> Cheers


- -- 
Julian Field MEng CITP
Buy the MailScanner book at

MailScanner customisation, or any advanced system administration help?
Contact me at Jules at Jules.FM

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