update_phishing_sites on solaris 10

Eugene MacDougal stinkybob at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 16:20:05 IST 2007

I'm running MS 4.60.8 on Solaris 10 and had the following problem with

# ./update_phishing_sites
./update_phishing_sites: wget: not found
./update_phishing_sites: curl: not found
Cannot find wget or curl to do phishing sites update.

I knew that I had wget installed so I checked the PATH in the update
script.  Solaris 9 and 10 have a "/usr/sfw/bin" where it puts software that
was obtained through sunfreeware.com (mostly gnu type stuff).  I went ahead
and made a patch that can hopefully be included.

***begin patch
--- update_phishing_sites       Wed Jun  7 14:27:09 2006
+++ update_phishing_sites.new   Mon Jun 25 10:15:04 2007
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 #      United Kingdom

 export PATH

 if [ -d /opt/MailScanner/etc ]; then
***end patch

Also, is there a more appropriate way for submitting patches?

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