problem having using french support

Rick Chadderdon mailscanner at
Thu Jun 21 20:57:12 IST 2007

Administrateur de systemes wrote:
> That was the problem
> When  do a file on the msg i get
> penguin [/tmp] >file msg-4551-7.txt
> msg-4551-7.txt: DOS executable (COM)
> Is there a way to find a solution ? other languauges have the same
> problem ?

All languages have a problem when a file contains a character sequence
that is used as "magic" to identify a format.  Unfortunately, many file
formats are "magic unfriendly" in that the only thing that is easily
used to identify them can also appear in other file types.  There is no
universal solution.

When I run into it, I explain the problem to the user and ask them not
to use that particular subject line, salutation or whatever.  It is also
possible to modify the magic file by commenting (or improving, if you
can figure out what might work in a particular case) the line that's
causing you problems.  You can also disable the filetype check in
MailScanner, but I don't recommend that for isolated problems.

Looking at the man page for "file" and "magic" might help you figure out
what's best in your case.


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