Beta release 4.61.3

Julian Field MailScanner at
Thu Jun 14 11:04:15 IST 2007

Hash: SHA1

I have just released the latest beta, 4.61.3.
I would particularly like clamd users and Postfix users to test this 
release, please.

Download as usual from

New additions in this beta versus the previous beta are:
3 'MailScanner --lint' now finds clamd virus scanner.
3 Made clamd subsys lock file blank by default, so it works on non-Linux
3 Added another example to the Allowed Sophos Error Messages setting for
  password-protected files.
3 Fixed "identified/found" bug in AVG parser.
3 Fixed bugs in Panda and AVG parsers courtesy of Rick Cooper.
3 Fixed bug in Postfix handler which caused a problem with empty messages.

The entire Change Log for this version is currently:

* New Features and Improvements *
1 Direct support for the "clamd" virus scanner -- now talks directly to the
  clamd daemon without any overhead of calling clamd-wrapper or clamdscan.
  As a result, this should be faster than the previous clamd support.
  It also has a much smaller memory footprint than the "clamavmodule" 
  This is all thanks to Rick Cooper who wrote the original code.
  New configuration options are
  - Clamd Port = 3310
  - Clamd Socket = /tmp/clamd
  - Clamd Lock File = /var/lock/subsys/clamd
  - Clamd Use Threads = no
  The use of these settings is explained in the MailScanner.conf file.
2 Changed session handling in direct clamd virus scanner support.
3 'MailScanner --lint' now finds clamd virus scanner.
3 Made clamd subsys lock file blank by default, so it works on non-Linux
3 Added another example to the Allowed Sophos Error Messages setting for
  password-protected files.

* Fixes *
2 Fixed bug in auto-zip feature with a message containing 2 attachments with
  the same filename.
2 Fixed bug in auto-zip feature that would allow zipping of an attachment
  which had been cleaned out of the message.
3 Fixed "identified/found" bug in AVG parser.
3 Fixed bugs in Panda and AVG parsers courtesy of Rick Cooper.
3 Fixed bug in Postfix handler which caused a problem with empty messages.


- -- 
Julian Field MEng CITP
Buy the MailScanner book at

MailScanner customisation, or any advanced system administration help?
Contact me at Jules at Jules.FM

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This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.
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