Beta release 4.61.1

Gerard Seibert gerard at
Tue Jun 5 20:07:10 IST 2007

On Tuesday June 05, 2007 at 02:42:32 (PM) Jon Radel wrote:


> But reading to the bottom of e-mail sent to you by a bunch of
> top-posters using Outlook can be sooooo amusing.  I still remember the
> polite request we got for a change in service.  When we read all the way
> to the bottom we got the entire internal discussion within our customer
> on how this was going to be step one for ditching us and our service.
> It was quite useful....

Top posters are by no means restricted to Outlook. In fact, the new
version of Outlook has a setting that puts replies at the 'BOTTOM' of
messages being replied to. There are only a hand full of other MUA's
that employ that intelligent logic.


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