Spamassassin Greeting Card Question

Matt Kettler mkettler at
Thu Jul 26 17:00:40 IST 2007

Andrews Carl 455 wrote:
> Anyone have a spamassassin rule for the "You've received a
> greeting/ecard ..." spams? I have this but it is not working:
> Thanks for any help,
> Carl

As Julian pointed out, all your rules have the same name, so only the last one
exists. All the others will be over-written by each other.

That said, I'm currently using this one rule, which covers pretty much
everything I've seen.

(note: beware of line-wraps, there's only 3 lines here)

header L_S_SUBJPOSTCARD Subject =~/\bYou've received a (?:greeting)?
(?:e|post)?card from a .{4,20}!/
describe L_S_SUBJPOSTCARD 	greeting card virus

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