install-Clam-0.91.1-SA-3.2.1.tar.gz configure error

Brad Beckenhauer bbecken at
Wed Jul 25 14:46:32 IST 2007

>>> On 7/25/2007 at 2:53 AM, in message
<223f97700707250053r5c7a032er1169fab581dc23a at>, "Glenn
<glenn.steen at> wrote:
> On 25/07/07, Brad Beckenhauer <bbecken at> wrote:
>> Exactly,
>> I think you missed that I made note of just that in the original
>> message.
>> Julian is very good at identifying package dependancies, so I
>> the install log so Julian can review it and decide if he wants to
>> include zlib/zlib-devel in his handy Clam-SA installer.
>> thanks
>> Brad
> Brad, I'm pretty certain he will not. As is, such dependencies are
> you to fix, not him... And it isn't "Julian" finding this
> discrepancy... it is clamav. Jules doesn't do anything with the
> clamav source package. If you look at Jules' package, it only
> clamav itself and ... perl packages ...

Hi Glenn, 
I'm perfectly fine with the Clam-SA installer not installing the zlib,
my only intent was to point out that the installer failed and I thought
I would post my observations to the MailScanner community.  My original
email only posted my observations and the findings, it wasn't asking for

> Same thing, almost, if you look at the MailScanner package... Sure,
> you have some other things too, like tnef, but no libs in sight.
> is sane, since those libs would be installed by other measures... It
> would be a nasty thing to handle, not to mention that the clamav
> package handles it nicely... Don't hold your reath waiting for zlib
> and zlib-devel to be included;-).
> Then again, perhaps Jules installer should detect errors like that
> pause afterwards, demanding some interaction ... Perhaps something
> could turn on/off with an option?
> That might even be marginally useful:-):-)
I would like to be able to pass a "yes" option to the Clam-SA installer
so the installer can be automated.

> (snip)

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