Reason for whitelisting?

Matt Kettler mkettler at
Thu Jul 19 17:09:49 IST 2007

am.lists wrote:
>> Jul 17 15:50:23 smtp-gateway-4 MailScanner[10318]: Message
>> l6HJnjqf014254 from
>> (gadaandstelecommbef at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) is whitelisted

> Robert,
> Did you by chance download/install a pre-configured kit? Some have
> pre-defined "known-good" senders pre-populated in a sql table
> somewhere.
> Also, the SARE rule contains several known-good's
> too.

This is conclusively *NOT*, or any other spamassassin-level
whitelisting. Those would show up as a SpamAssassin rule-hit of USER_IN_WHITELIST.

The "is whitelisted" message means it's whitelisted at the MailScanner level, as
a part of the MailScannner.conf "Is Definitely Not Spam" mechanism, or some bug
in, or misuse of, that mechanism.

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