How to Allow mails marked "could be a suspicious file "
Hugo van der Kooij
hvdkooij at
Wed Jul 18 15:29:16 IST 2007
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007, ram wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 17:40 +0100, Julian Field wrote:
>> This looks to me like a report from a virus scanner. See if there is a
>> command-line option for your scanner that stops it looking for things
>> like this. If you tell me what scanner you're using, then I can tell you
>> where the mod needs to be made.
> I am using clamavmodule and f-prot
I used to be rather fond of F-Prot. But in recent months I am able to test
the various AV solutions against malware collected by some major parties.
And all of a sudden F-Prot is falling rather behind.
My test collection shot from 45k to over 100k of unique samples in 3
months. And F-Prot scores only 32%. ClamAV scores 74%.
These are rather crude results at the moment as I need to rewrite a lot of
the parsing scripts to handle the new setup. But I hope to present more
detailed information in a month or so.
hvdkooij at
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I use computers with Linux and say "Why Windows?"
(Thanks JFK, for the insight.)
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