Changing scores/rules on the fly when calling SpamAssassin from MailScanner

Steve Freegard steve.freegard at
Wed Jul 11 19:08:09 IST 2007

Hey Matt,

Matt Hampton wrote:
> If I just want to change the bayes username I can (I assume) just do this:
> $f->signal_user_changed(username=>"newuser");
> But how do I revert back to the default?

Just a thought - but wouldn't the default be the user that is running 
MailScanner e.g. the Run As User, so to revert back you'd run:

  username => MailScanner::Config::Value('runasuser'),
  user_dir => undef,
  userstate_dir => MailScanner::Config::Value('spamassassinuserstatedir'));

Hope this helps.


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