switching from clamavmodule -> clamd... source?

Ugo Bellavance ugob at lubik.ca
Tue Jul 10 17:31:27 IST 2007

Julian Field wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ugo Bellavance wrote:
>> Ugo Bellavance wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>     I'd like to switch from clamavmodule to clamd.  I used to use a 
>>> source-install of clamav.  I've read that the easiest way to get 
>>> clamd running is using dag's RPM.  However, a dependency for clamd is 
>>> clamav and clamav-db.  How will that play with my current source 
>>> install of clamav?  Should I move to using exclusively rpm clamav?
>> <answering myself>
>> It looks like the source install is overwritten by the RPM.  This 
>> answers my question...
> The source install by default goes in /usr/local, while the RPMs most 
> often go into /usr/bin, /etc and so on.

You're right.  And if we remove /usr/local/freshclam, MailScanner can't 
update clamav.

Anyone really documented all the process of switching from clamav or 
clamavmodule to clamd?  I could do it, if I can gather all the information.



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