Upgrade question
Ken Goods
KGoods at AIAInsurance.com
Fri Jul 6 20:27:24 IST 2007
Julian Field wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ken Goods wrote:
>> I am upgrading from MS 4.51.6 to 4.61.7. At the same time I'd like to
>> upgrade SA and ClamAV using Julian's script.
>> So far I've ran the MS install script and it seemed to exit without
>> error. I did not stop MailScanner prior to running the script so I
>> assume 4.51.6 is still processing mail and appears to be doing so.
>> Next I was going to run the SA-ClamAV install script but was
>> wondering whether I should stop MailScanner first and also if I
>> should remove the old versions of SA and Clam somehow. This is a
>> production box and I really can't afford for it to be down too long.
>> (I did make backups as instructed in the MAQ but they only apply to
>> MS and not SA/Clam)
> You don't need to remove the old SA and Clam, so long as your previous
> versions were installed by my script as well. The new versions will be
> installed over the top of your previous ones.
> It's not essential to stop MailScanner first, if you use some other
> virus scanner as well. Otherwise there may be a short period in which
> ClamAV is not completely up to date. You could just shutdown
> MailScanner and leave the sendmail processes running. Try doing this
> service MailScanner stopms
> and if that does not work then
> service MailScanner stop
> service MailScanner startin
> service MailScanner startout
> and mail will just build up in the mqueue.in (the inbound queue).
>> I've put off upgrading due to the horror stories I've been hearing on
>> the this and clam's list about Clam taking so much time to scan.
> The new version of ClamAV takes a very long time to start up, while it
> loads it virus signatures. So I would advise you to use clamavmodule
> or clamd (clamavmodule is easier to set up as you don't have to worry
> about permissions at all). Using clamavmodule means it will take an
> age to do the "starting child process" stage, but will then work nice
> and fast. Using clamd means you will need an init.d script for it and
> so on, so if you want to do this then I would recommend you install
> ClamAV from the RPMs at dag.wieers.com. The latest versions of my
> ClamAV+SA package ask if you want it to install ClamAV (which you
> obviously don't want to do
> if you installed it from RPM from Dag's archive). Then the long
> startup delay will be when clamd starts up, not MailScanner.
>> I understand that this has been resolved for the most part by using
>> the clammodule or clamd. Having never ran it that way (I've always
>> gone with the defaults) I'm not exactly sure how much work is
>> involved. If I leave the Virus Scanners = auto setting alone will it
>> automatically use the clammodule?
> If it's installed, then yes. But if it finds clamd running then "auto"
> will try to use that instead.
>> Or do I need to tell it what to use? I also use Bit Defender, will
>> the "auto" setting pick that up as well?
> Yes. The command
> MailScanner --lint
> will tell you what virus scanners it has found, and hence what it will
> use if you use "auto". Personally I would advise you specify exactly
> which scanners to use, so there's no chance of confusion.
>> Is this documented somewhere? I've looked but I can't seem to find
>> it. If it is, kindly point me in the right direction, I'm not afraid
>> of reading. :)
> The problems with Clam are temporary and will go away in the next
> version.
>> Running Sendmail on Centos 4.3
>> Here's the output of MailScanner -V as it sits today (MailScanner has
>> not been restarted since I ran the install script so 4.51.6 is still
>> running)
>> [root at gw-mail install-Clam-0.90.3-SA-3.2.1]# MailScanner -V
>> Running on
>> Linux gw-mail 2.6.9-34.EL #1 Wed Mar 8 00:07:35 CST 2006 i686 i686
>> i386 GNU/Linux This is CentOS release 4.3 (Final)
>> This is Perl version 5.008005 (5.8.5)
>> This is MailScanner version 4.61.7
>> Module versions are:
>> 1.00 AnyDBM_File
>> 1.16 Archive::Zip
>> 1.03 Carp
>> 1.119 Convert::BinHex
>> 1.00 DirHandle
>> 1.05 Fcntl
>> 2.73 File::Basename
>> 2.08 File::Copy
>> 2.01 FileHandle
>> 1.06 File::Path
>> 0.14 File::Temp
>> 0.90 Filesys::Df
>> 1.35 HTML::Entities
>> 3.56 HTML::Parser
>> 2.37 HTML::TokeParser
>> 1.21 IO
>> 1.10 IO::File
>> 1.123 IO::Pipe
>> 1.71 Mail::Header
>> 1.86 Math::BigInt
>> 3.05 MIME::Base64
>> 5.420 MIME::Decoder
>> 5.420 MIME::Decoder::UU
>> 5.420 MIME::Head
>> 5.420 MIME::Parser
>> 3.03 MIME::QuotedPrint
>> 5.420 MIME::Tools
>> 0.11 Net::CIDR
>> 1.08 POSIX
>> 1.14 Scalar::Util
>> 1.77 Socket
>> 1.4 Sys::Hostname::Long
>> 0.18 Sys::Syslog
>> 1.9707 Time::HiRes
>> 1.02 Time::localtime
>> Optional module versions are:
>> 1.26 Archive::Tar
>> 0.21 bignum
>> 1.74 Business::ISBN
>> missing Business::ISBN::Data
>> 0.17 Convert::TNEF
>> missing Data::Dump
>> 1.810 DB_File
>> 1.13 DBD::SQLite
>> 1.50 DBI
>> 1.08 Digest
>> 1.01 Digest::HMAC
>> 2.33 Digest::MD5
>> 2.10 Digest::SHA1
>> missing Encode::Detect
>> missing Error
>> missing ExtUtils::CBuilder
>> missing ExtUtils::ParseXS
>> 0.44 Inline
>> 1.06 IO::String
>> 1.04 IO::Zlib
>> 2.20 IP::Country
>> 0.17 Mail::ClamAV
>> 3.001001 Mail::SpamAssassin
>> missing Mail::SPF
>> 1.997 Mail::SPF::Query
>> 0.19 Math::BigRat
>> missing Module::Build
>> 0.15 Net::CIDR::Lite
>> 0.48 Net::DNS
>> missing Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable
>> missing Net::LDAP
>> missing NetAddr::IP
>> 1.94 Parse::RecDescent
>> missing SAVI
>> 2.42 Test::Harness
>> 0.95 Test::Manifest
>> 1.95 Text::Balanced
>> 1.35 URI
>> missing version
>> missing YAML
>> [root at gw-mail install-Clam-0.90.3-SA-3.2.1]#
> You need to update to the new version of SpamAssassin as well, best
> done using my ClamAV+SA package (in which ClamAV is an optional
> install
> choice when you run it).
> Hope that's enough answers to get you started. If you are feeling rich
> and want me to do it for you, then get in touch off list. Or even if
> you just want me to do a quick sanity check of your setup for you,
> which shouldn't take more than half an hour or so.
> Jules
Thanks so much for this clear explaination of the upgrade process. I really
wish I could talk the powers that be into sending some money your way but
things are a little tight... I do it personally but due to things being
tight here I don't have any extra to spend either (excrement does run
downhill after all huh? :))
I will talk them into sending a donation soon though. I let them know all
the time how much we've saved by using your excellent software. They are
aware and I keep dropping hints. Pretty soon this squeaky wheel is going to
get greased! :)
Back to the subject...
I started installing SA and ClamAV by hand but once I discovered your
install package I've been using it ever since. It just plain works and works
well! I don't foresee any problems with what you have outlined above.
Thanks again for your time to explain this. It's been so long that I had
forgotten how easy it was. ;)
Take care and I hope you're feeling better and better.
Kind regards,
Ken Goods
Network Administrator
CropUSA Insurance, Inc.
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