Upgrade question

Julian Field MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Jul 6 19:50:38 IST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Ken Goods wrote:
> I am upgrading from MS 4.51.6 to 4.61.7. At the same time I'd like to 
> upgrade SA and ClamAV using Julian's script.
> So far I've ran the MS install script and it seemed to exit without 
> error. I did not stop MailScanner prior to running the script so I 
> assume 4.51.6 is still processing mail and appears to be doing so. 
> Next I was going to run the SA-ClamAV install script but was wondering 
> whether I should stop MailScanner first and also if I should remove 
> the old versions of SA and Clam somehow. This is a production box and 
> I really can't afford for it to be down too long. (I did make backups 
> as instructed in the MAQ but they only apply to MS and not SA/Clam)
You don't need to remove the old SA and Clam, so long as your previous 
versions were installed by my script as well. The new versions will be 
installed over the top of your previous ones.

It's not essential to stop MailScanner first, if you use some other 
virus scanner as well. Otherwise there may be a short period in which 
ClamAV is not completely up to date. You could just shutdown MailScanner 
and leave the sendmail processes running. Try doing this
    service MailScanner stopms
and if that does not work then
    service MailScanner stop
    service MailScanner startin
    service MailScanner startout
and mail will just build up in the mqueue.in (the inbound queue).

> I've put off upgrading due to the horror stories I've been hearing on 
> the this and clam's list about Clam taking so much time to scan.
The new version of ClamAV takes a very long time to start up, while it 
loads it virus signatures. So I would advise you to use clamavmodule or 
clamd (clamavmodule is easier to set up as you don't have to worry about 
permissions at all). Using clamavmodule means it will take an age to do 
the "starting child process" stage, but will then work nice and fast. 
Using clamd means you will need an init.d script for it and so on, so if 
you want to do this then I would recommend you install ClamAV from the 
RPMs at dag.wieers.com. The latest versions of my ClamAV+SA package ask 
if you want it to install ClamAV (which you obviously don't want to do 
if you installed it from RPM from Dag's archive). Then the long startup 
delay will be when clamd starts up, not MailScanner.

> I understand that this has been resolved for the most part by using 
> the clammodule or clamd. Having never ran it that way (I've always 
> gone with the defaults) I'm not exactly sure how much work is 
> involved. If I leave the Virus Scanners = auto setting alone will it 
> automatically use the clammodule?
If it's installed, then yes. But if it finds clamd running then "auto" 
will try to use that instead.
> Or do I need to tell it what to use? I also use Bit Defender, will the 
> "auto" setting pick that up as well?
Yes. The command
    MailScanner --lint
will tell you what virus scanners it has found, and hence what it will 
use if you use "auto". Personally I would advise you specify exactly 
which scanners to use, so there's no chance of confusion.

> Is this documented somewhere? I've looked but I can't seem to find it. 
> If it is, kindly point me in the right direction, I'm not afraid of 
> reading. :)
The problems with Clam are temporary and will go away in the next version.
> Running Sendmail on Centos 4.3
> Here's the output of MailScanner -V as it sits today (MailScanner has 
> not been restarted since I ran the install script so 4.51.6 is still 
> running)
> [root at gw-mail install-Clam-0.90.3-SA-3.2.1]# MailScanner -V
> Running on
> Linux gw-mail 2.6.9-34.EL #1 Wed Mar 8 00:07:35 CST 2006 i686 i686 
> i386 GNU/Linux
> This is CentOS release 4.3 (Final)
> This is Perl version 5.008005 (5.8.5)
> This is MailScanner version 4.61.7
> Module versions are:
> 1.00    AnyDBM_File
> 1.16    Archive::Zip
> 1.03    Carp
> 1.119   Convert::BinHex
> 1.00    DirHandle
> 1.05    Fcntl
> 2.73    File::Basename
> 2.08    File::Copy
> 2.01    FileHandle
> 1.06    File::Path
> 0.14    File::Temp
> 0.90    Filesys::Df
> 1.35    HTML::Entities
> 3.56    HTML::Parser
> 2.37    HTML::TokeParser
> 1.21    IO
> 1.10    IO::File
> 1.123   IO::Pipe
> 1.71    Mail::Header
> 1.86    Math::BigInt
> 3.05    MIME::Base64
> 5.420   MIME::Decoder
> 5.420   MIME::Decoder::UU
> 5.420   MIME::Head
> 5.420   MIME::Parser
> 3.03    MIME::QuotedPrint
> 5.420   MIME::Tools
> 0.11    Net::CIDR
> 1.08    POSIX
> 1.14    Scalar::Util
> 1.77    Socket
> 1.4     Sys::Hostname::Long
> 0.18    Sys::Syslog
> 1.9707  Time::HiRes
> 1.02    Time::localtime
> Optional module versions are:
> 1.26    Archive::Tar
> 0.21    bignum
> 1.74    Business::ISBN
> missing Business::ISBN::Data
> 0.17    Convert::TNEF
> missing Data::Dump
> 1.810   DB_File
> 1.13    DBD::SQLite
> 1.50    DBI
> 1.08    Digest
> 1.01    Digest::HMAC
> 2.33    Digest::MD5
> 2.10    Digest::SHA1
> missing Encode::Detect
> missing Error
> missing ExtUtils::CBuilder
> missing ExtUtils::ParseXS
> 0.44    Inline
> 1.06    IO::String
> 1.04    IO::Zlib
> 2.20    IP::Country
> 0.17    Mail::ClamAV
> 3.001001        Mail::SpamAssassin
> missing Mail::SPF
> 1.997   Mail::SPF::Query
> 0.19    Math::BigRat
> missing Module::Build
> 0.15    Net::CIDR::Lite
> 0.48    Net::DNS
> missing Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable
> missing Net::LDAP
> missing NetAddr::IP
> 1.94    Parse::RecDescent
> missing SAVI
> 2.42    Test::Harness
> 0.95    Test::Manifest
> 1.95    Text::Balanced
> 1.35    URI
> missing version
> missing YAML
> [root at gw-mail install-Clam-0.90.3-SA-3.2.1]#
You need to update to the new version of SpamAssassin as well, best done 
using my ClamAV+SA package (in which ClamAV is an optional install 
choice when you run it).

Hope that's enough answers to get you started. If you are feeling rich 
and want me to do it for you, then get in touch off list. Or even if you 
just want me to do a quick sanity check of your setup for you, which 
shouldn't take more than half an hour or so.


- -- 
Julian Field MEng CITP
Buy the MailScanner book at www.MailScanner.info/store

MailScanner customisation, or any advanced system administration help?
Contact me at Jules at Jules.FM

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This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.
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