multiple mailscanners with milter-null

Chris Yuzik itdept at
Fri Jul 6 19:13:19 IST 2007

Mike Masse wrote:
> I've seen Julian's suggestion to use Milter-null to combat backscatter 
> and like the idea, but am curious anyone knows if it's possible to work 
> with different outgoing and incoming servers?   I have 3 MailScanner 
> servers in front of my message store servers.   One of the MS machines 
> is for outgoing, and the other two handle incoming with MX based load 
> balancing.   If the outgoing puts a hash in the header of the outgoing 
> messages, will the incoming server's recognize the outgoing server's 
> hashes?


My understanding is that as long as all of your servers have the same 
secret phrase listed for milter-null, then you should be okay.


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