Filename rule question
Glenn Steen
glenn.steen at
Fri Jul 6 13:40:21 IST 2007
On 06/07/07, Marco Induni <minduni at> wrote:
> Glenn Steen wrote:
> >>
> >>
> > To my tired eyes that doesn't look that bad... More's the pity...
> Hope now you eyes are better
> > Seems you don't install SA and Clamav by way of Jules easy package (or
> > else a lot more of the optional modules would be there)... Hm... One
> > could start installing those, of course, but I don't see them having
> > an effect.
> In fact, we use uvscan(mcafee) and sometime clamav AV, but they are
> installed apart (SA via CPAN / clamav make /make install)
Ok. I don't think you need remove/reinstall with Jules package... It
does more or less those, and then adds a lot of perl modules to make
Mail::ClamAV happy. Would be passing strange if that had any impact on
this problem.
> > You did say that restoring the default filename/filetype
> > rules files and reloading/restarting MailScanner didn't have any
> > effect either? Most strange.
> Yes, it is so.
This make me think there is something seriously wrong here... And
perhaps not _directly_ related to the rule file used... Unless of
course the files aren't readable or something strange like that...
Nah, probably not.
> > How did you install the MIME::* packages? Via jules installer or via
> > distro or CPAN?
> Via jules. I've installed the new version a couple of days ago.
You could try reinstall them (force them from CPAN or something), just
to see that they build/install OK...
Apart from this, you don't see any strange log entries in the normal
syslog? We really need to get a handle on what is going bonkers here.
-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se
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