sa-update, the untold story...

Lars Kristiansen lars+lister.mailscanner at
Fri Jan 26 02:05:13 CET 2007

Kevin Miller skrev:
> 2:  I *think* the proper setting in MailScanner.conf is: 
>       SpamAssassin Local State Dir = /var/lib/spamassassin
>     Earlier versions of MailScanner just had /var/lib.  This should be
> uncommented
>     after a successful sa-update run.

I don't think you need this setting any more with recent spamassassin.

> 3:  sa-update should be run after a spamassassin update to be sure the
> proper rules 
>     being looked at.

Thanks, appreciated.

If running from crontab, a random time could be nice.
This command sleeps randomly from 0 to 18 minutes.
Needs bash.
  echo 'sleep $(($RANDOM/30))'|/bin/bash; /usr/local/bin/sa-update


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