OOT: Rules_du_jour problem

Budi Febrianto febrianto at sioenasia.com
Fri Jan 19 04:36:23 CET 2007

Please disregard my question.
Already solved. delete both files in /etc/mail/Spamassassin and
/etc/mail/spamassassin/RulesDuJour solved the problem.
My brain already take a vacation.

mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info wrote on 01-19-2007 10:18:20 AM:

> Dear Gurus,
> Is there a problem with 99_sare_fraud_post25x.cf? Whenever I run the
> rules_du_jour it says that it found a newer version, but later it will
> rolling back because of lint problem. Should I disabled
> 99_sare_fraud_post25x.cf from rules_du_jour?

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