Increased Volumes Of Spam
Richard Frovarp
Richard.Frovarp at
Tue Jan 16 20:19:16 CET 2007
Randal, Phil wrote:
>> These can now be pulled using sa-update. I am pretty sure I saw
>> something a while ago that state in effect that rule_du_jour is going
>> away in favor of sa-update. Instructions in the SA wiki on how to use
>> SARE rules with sa-update.
> I sincerely hope not, unless there's a separate channel for each rule,
> which would make it more cumbersome than rules_du_jour anyway.
> The advantage of rules_du_jour is that you can choose the mix of Rules
> Emporium rules that suit you, you're not forced to take a bundle.
> Cheers,
> phil
> --
> Phil Randal
> Network Engineer
> Herefordshire Council
> Hereford, UK
There are separate channels. It isn't all that cumbersome, because all
you really do is edit one file once and you are done.
Wiki address for sa-update with SARE rules:
This took a bit of searching, but here is the response from the RDJ author:
For those too lazy to read, it isn't going away, but there are no plans
for further enhancement and he suggests using sa-update.
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