
Robert Isaac robert.isaac at
Wed Jan 10 22:22:26 CET 2007

I used the tar installation package and guide to install MailScanner on
Redhat ES4 that uses sendmail 8.13.1. I read the MS web site guide to
configure sendmail that says:

    drwxr-x---  2 root  bin   62976 Oct 23 16:18 mqueue
    drwxr-x---  2 root  bin   41472 Oct 23 16:18

Mine is:

    drwx------   2 root   mail   167936 Jan 10 21:03 mqueue
    drwxr-x---   2 root   bin      4096 Jul  5  2005

Do I need to change this?

Next the guide states:

Currently, your copy of sendmail will be started by a script such as
/etc/init.d/mail or /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail. Somewhere in this script will
be the command to start sendmail itself. This should look like this: 

    sendmail -bd -q15m

You should change this to the following two lines: 
    sendmail -bd -OPrivacyOptions=noetrn -ODeliveryMode=queueonly
    sendmail -q15m

I cannot find 'sendmail -bd -q15m' in my sendmail file.

So, do these instructions apply to my setup?


Robert Isaac
Director/Web Admin
Volvo Owners Club

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