OT: Re: Recent issue with SORBS

sandrews at andrewscompanies.com sandrews at andrewscompanies.com
Fri Feb 16 00:14:44 CET 2007

So much for the net-neutrality argument now that we've devolved to clean
and contaminated IP. 

-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info
[mailto:mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Lew
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 11:59 AM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Re: OT: Re: Recent issue with SORBS

am.lists wrote:
> Guess we're stuck with the snobs at SORBS.
> I will likely be disabling them from my scanning, since I know, now 
> firsthand, how they operate.

Trouble is, your disabling SORBS will do nothing unless all the smtp
servers you send to also drop them.  Bottom line is unless you figure
out how to get off their list or change your IP, you're going to loose
outgoing mail.

This just happened to me on a newly provisioned dedicated server.  The
previous IP user was a spammer.  I caught it right away and had my
provider come up with a clean IP.
Now they're stuck with a contaminated IP, but that's their problem.

Lew Wolfgang
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