MailScanner w/Postfix and Postgrey Question on rejected messages

Doc Schneider doc at
Thu Feb 8 22:33:41 CET 2007

am.lists wrote:
> I use MS/PF/PG as a gateway.
> I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I
> had a slew of messages not arriving today for a period of a few hours.
> It's still too early to tell if they were rejected permanently or just
> deferred and I should see them arriving later.
> My config is as per the subject line...
> My /etc/resolf.conf contains three DNS servers:
> for discussion, they are
> nameserver
> nameserver
> nameserver
> (e.g. at least two of them are on separate networks...)
> In the above example, server went offline (crashed).
> With only the first DNS server down, why did the appropriate piece
> (again, not sure which application is responsible for managing DNS
> lookups on domains) did not failover to the next nameserver on the
> list?
> If you guys redirect me to another list, I'll understand, but I'd be
> very surprised if  I'm the first one to see this problem.
> Best,
> Angelo

I'd recommend moving that to the end of that file and let the 
secondary pick up the slack. While most DNS lookups should fall to the 
next server I've seen it happen that the first one is the only one that 
is ever tried. I seem to recall this was something to do with one of the 
  perl DNS package (though I could be mistaken). Anyway that's what I'd 
do. 8*)

Lincoln, NE.

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