Mailscanner generated duplicate message.

Mark Sapiro mark at
Mon Dec 24 14:23:51 GMT 2007

Alex Broens wrote:
>probably totally irrelevant yet got a hunch...
>what are your settings in MailScanner.conf for
>Queue Scan Interval
>Max Unscanned Messages Per Scan
>Max Unsafe Messages Per Scan

Queue Scan Interval = 6

Max Unscanned Messages Per Scan = 30

Max Unsafe Messages Per Scan = 30

>Could it be you're seeing a race condition between scanning threads?

This is exactly what the problem seems to be, but I don't know what to
do to prevent it or what I could have done or omitted to cause it.

I suppose I could set

Max Children = 1

but that seems extreme, and it seems if it were necessary, more than
just me would be seeing this problem.

Mark Sapiro <mark at>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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