OT Fedora in production (as nstallation Problem on Fedora Core 8)

Greg Matthews gmatt at nerc.ac.uk
Thu Dec 13 16:44:12 GMT 2007

Anthony Cartmell wrote:
>> Anthony Cartmell wrote:
>>> My only few downtimes over the last three years have been hardware 
>>> and network related. I have never had any issues with Fedora, which 
>>> has proved to be quite stable enough for production use.
>> Given that Fedora is only supported for 18 months I wonder how that 
>> can be unless you are running an unmaintained OS.
> Quite simple, I upgrade roughly every 12 to 18 months :)

I rest my case

Greg Matthews           01491 692445
Head of UNIX/Linux, iTSS Wallingford

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