Outbound spam prevention & reaction

Alvaro Marín alvaro at hostalia.com
Thu Dec 13 08:43:39 GMT 2007


> Im running mail server for ISP. We use separate server for incoming and 
> outgoing mail server and postfix as our MTA.
> We set our outgoing MTA with following restriction when they are not 
> authenticated :
>    1.
>       Within 10 minutes , client can make  20 connection to our server 
>    2.
>       Within 10 minutes , user can send email(s) with a maximum of 150
>       recipients.
>    3.
>       In 1 connection, user can include up to 150 recipients.

Are you using policyd with postfix for this or a MailScanner plugin?


Alvaro Marín Illera
Hostalia Internet

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