CentOS yum repository

Mark Nienberg gmane at tippingmar.com
Sat Dec 8 05:06:40 GMT 2007

Craig White wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 15:41 -0800, Mark Nienberg wrote:
>> I'm preparing to install MailScanner on a fresh CentOS 5.1 x86_64 machine. I think 
>> I'll give the experimental yum repo a try.  Is it recommended to use the 
>> yum-priorities plugin and give higher priority (lower numbers) to the Centos-Base 
>> repos to prevent packages from rpmforge from overwriting the ones that are part of 
>> the base distribution?  Would this, for example, prevent the recent problems some had 
>> with perl-MailTools?
> ----
> No
> Here's the deal as I understand it...
> If you install MailScanner, it installs a number of perl packages
> including perl-Time-HiRes perl-MailTools etc.
> If you add rpmforge/dag repo, it sees that those packages and happily
> updates them. This is a good thing.
> I don't think priorities would help for perl-MailTools because it wasn't
> installed from a repo.
> I think that you would benefit from newer packages from rpmforge such as
> his spamassassin.
> At present, perhaps it is best to just exclude perl-MailTools from
> rpmforge/dag until this is all worked out.

I see that in the CentOS-Extra repo there is perl-MimeTools 1.77.  So if 
you give that repo priority=1 and rpmforge priority=10, then yum should 
install the 1.77 version from Extras even if rpmforge has 2.02 in it.

Strangely enough I see only 1.77 in rpmforge at the moment.  Maybe a 
mirror problem or something.


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