Possible optimization

Leonardo Helman mailscanner at lists.com.ar
Fri Dec 7 13:26:33 GMT 2007

Hi, yesterday, I came across a chunk of code that I never saw before.

sub StartTiming {
  my $this = shift;
  my($varprefix, $usertext) = @_;

  my $command = "";
  my $now = time;

  $command = '$this->{' . $varprefix . '_starttime} = $now;';
  eval $command;

And the same for StopTiming.

I don't understand why you choose an eval there?
It's about 20 times slower than doing something like


Or something like this if you prefer

$this->{$varprefix . '_starttime'} = $now;

I'm very curious about it. 

Here is a benchmark

use Benchmark;
                        _eval => '_eval',
                        _hash => '_hash',

sub _eval {
        my $now = time;
        my $cmd = '$pepe{'.$var.'_start} = $now';
        eval $cmd;

sub _hash{
        $pepe{$var.'_start'} = time;

          Rate _eval _hash
_eval  28843/s    --  -95%
_hash 609756/s 2014%    --


Another one

In the cache functions, the uncompress/compress calls should be better
(cleaner)  inside those functions.

Leonardo Helman
PERT Consultores SRL

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