DSN and 4.62.9 problem

Matt Hampton matt at coders.co.uk
Mon Aug 6 23:05:11 IST 2007

René Berber wrote:
> Hi,
> Similar problem to that reported for OoO and watermarking, read receipts (DSN)
> messages do not return the watermark header and MailScanner is tagging all of
> them as spam with the log showing:
> MailScanner[2081]: Message l76HJGJu004811 from ... has no (or invalid)
> NULL-Header or sender address
> This wasn't the case with the previous version used (4.62.7), I'm testing now
> with watermarking off.  Any other solutions?

The actual Watermarking code did not change between these versions - the
only change was wrapping the whole thing in a "Use Watermarking" control.

The code works in the same way as milter-null so anyone who is using
milter-null would experience the same problems (and additional testing
in the last couple of hours confirms this).

If anyone else can send me raw queue files (offlist) of any incorrectly
marked messages I can try and do something - I have one from Martin but
a few more would be good.

OoO will never be fixable without straying in to the patented method of
changing the Message-ID a la


There may be a way to fix read receipts but this would require
maintaining state (which would break the ability to have multiple
independent servers) or possibly find a way of allowing read receipts.


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