4.62.9-1 & MailScanner --lint [FIXED - but why?]

Julian Field MailScanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Aug 2 09:57:41 IST 2007

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Quentin Campbell wrote:
> Phil
> Thanks for the reply.
> Where are your 'main.cvd' and 'daily.cvd' files kept?
> A little more research and digging found the problem but I am unclear as
> to how the situation came about. There is now a new maintenance problem
> to be resolved and some worrying questions.
> The " LibClamAV Warning: ***  The virus database is older than 7 days.
> ***" message arises because there was a second location containing very
> old (July 26, 2005) copies of main.cvd and daily.cvd under
> /usr/local/share/clamav. In my current installation I keep the '.cvd'
> files under /usr/local/clamav.
> If I remove the 'clamav' sub-directory from /usr/local/share or remove
> the two files from under it then 'MailScanner --lint' complains. If I
> copy my current two '.cvd' files from /usr/local/clamav to
> /usr/local/share/clamav then MailScanner --lint works OK.
> 1. When was the /usr/local/share/clamv sub-directory created and why?
A long time ago, it's where my sigs have always been.
> 2. Why is a /usr/local/share/clamav needed when my
> /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf file specifies /usr/local/clamav as the
> '.cvd' files location?   
But only freshclam looks at freshclam.conf.
> 3. Has 'clamavmodule' been using these very old '.cvd' files for virus
> detection?
> 4. There is the maintenance issue - how do I keep the
> /usr/local/share/clamav/*.cvd files up to date? ANSWER: I suppose when
> using 'clamavmodule' I should change /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf and
> replace
>   DatabaseDirectory /usr/local/clamav
> with
>  DatabaseDirectory /usr/local/share/clamav
Yes, I would do that. AFAIAA the DatabaseDirectory has always been 
> Alternately I can make /usr/local/share/clamav a link to
> /usr/local/clamav (or vice versa). What is best?
Correct your DatabaseDirectory.
> Had I missed and important documented step when I swapped from using
> 'clamscan' to using 'clamavmodule'? If so I cannot find it!
I don't think so, no.
> Quentin
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info [mailto:mailscanner-
>> bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Randal, Phil
>> Sent: 01 August 2007 17:19
>> To: MailScanner discussion
>> Subject: RE: 4.62.9-1 & MailScanner --lint [MORE INFO]
>> Works for me:
>> MailScanner --lint
>> Checking version numbers...
>> Version number in MailScanner.conf (4.62.9) is correct.
>> Your envelope_sender_header in spam.assassin.prefs.conf is correct.
>> Checking for SpamAssassin errors (if you use it)...
>> SpamAssassin temp dir =
>> /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp
>> SpamAssassin reported no errors.
>> MailScanner.conf says "Virus Scanners = clamavmodule mcafee"
>> Found these virus scanners installed: clamavmodule, mcafee
>> =======================================================================
> =
>> ===
>> Ignore errors about failing to find EOCD signature
>> format error: can't find EOCD signature
>> at /usr/sbin/MailScanner line 450
>> =======================================================================
> =
>> ===
>> Virus Scanner test reports:
>> ClamAV Module said "eicar.com was infected: Eicar-Test-Signature"
>> McAfee said "/1/eicar.com        Found: EICAR test file NOT a virus."
>> If any of your virus scanners (clamavmodule,mcafee)
>> are not listed there, you should check that they are installed
> correctly
>> and that MailScanner is finding them correctly via its
>> virus.scanners.conf.
>> Cheers,
>> Phil
>> --
>> Phil Randal
>> Network Engineer
>> Herefordshire Council
>> Hereford, UK
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info
>>> [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf
>>> Of Quentin Campbell
>>> Sent: 01 August 2007 16:57
>>> To: MailScanner discussion
>>> Subject: FW: 4.62.9-1 & MailScanner --lint [MORE INFO]
>>> Julian
>>> The MailScanner --lint output I am getting is related to the
>>> fact that I
>>> have "Virus Scanners = clamavmodule mcafee". If I change that line in
>>> MailScanner.conf to be "Virus Scanners = clamav mcafee" then I get
> the
>>> following (more sensible) output from MailScanner --lint but also
> note
>>> confusion in the output over clamav/clamavmodule being installed:
>>> ------------- cut here
>>> [root at cheviot9 MailScanner]# MailScanner --lint
>>> Checking version numbers...
>>> Version number in MailScanner.conf (4.62.9) is correct.
>>> Your envelope_sender_header in spam.assassin.prefs.conf is correct.
>>> Checking for SpamAssassin errors (if you use it)...
>>> SpamAssassin temp dir =
>>> /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp
>>> SpamAssassin reported no errors.
>>> MailScanner.conf says "Virus Scanners = clamav mcafee"
>>> Found these virus scanners installed: clamavmodule, mcafee
>>> ==============================================================
>>> ==========
>>> ===
>>> Ignore errors about failing to find EOCD signature
>>> ==============================================================
>>> ==========
>>> ===
>>> Virus Scanner test reports:
>>> ClamAV said "eicar.com contains Eicar-Test-Signature"
>>> McAfee said "/1/eicar.com        Found: EICAR test file NOT a virus."
>>> If any of your virus scanners (clamavmodule,mcafee)
>>> are not listed there, you should check that they are
>>> installed correctly
>>> and that MailScanner is finding them correctly via its
>>> virus.scanners.conf.
>>> [root at cheviot9 MailScanner]#
>>> ------------- cut here
>>> In addition I have just been using CPAN to install
>>> Mail::ClamAV on some
>>> other gateways and noted that when it does its post install tests it
>>> also notices that the database is out of date:
>>> ------------- cut here
>>>> install Mail::ClamAV
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> Manifying blib/man3/Mail::ClamAV.3pm
>>>   /usr/bin/make  -- OK
>>> Running make test
>>> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
>>> "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
>>> t/Mail-ClamAV....ok 2/10LibClamAV Warning:
>>> **************************************************
>>> LibClamAV Warning: ***  The virus database is older than 7 days.  ***
>>> LibClamAV Warning: ***        Please update it IMMEDIATELY!       ***
>>> LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************
>>> t/Mail-ClamAV....ok
>>> All tests successful.
>>> Files=1, Tests=10,  2 wallclock secs ( 1.56 cusr +  0.16 csys =  1.72
>>> CPU)
>>>   /usr/bin/make test -- OK
>>> Running make install
>>> Installing
>>> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/Ma
>>> il/ClamAV/
>>> ClamAV.so
>>> Installing
>>> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/Ma
>>> il/ClamAV/
>>> ClamAV.bs
>>> Files found in blib/arch: installing files in blib/lib into
>>> architecture
>>> dependent library tree
>>> Installing
>>> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/Mail/ClamAV.pm
>>> Installing /usr/share/man/man3/Mail::ClamAV.3pm
>>> Writing
>>> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/Ma
>>> il/ClamAV/
>>> .packlist
>>> Appending installation info to
>>> /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/perllocal.pod
>>>   /usr/bin/make install  -- OK
>>> cpan>
>>> ------------- cut here
>>> Quentin
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info
>>> [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf
>>> Of Quentin
>>> Campbell
>>> Sent: 01 August 2007 15:36
>>> To: MailScanner discussion
>>> Subject: RE: 4.62.9-1 & MailScanner --lint
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info
> [mailto:mailscanner-
>>>> bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf Of Julian Field
>>>> Sent: 01 August 2007 15:08
>>>> To: MailScanner discussion
>>>> Subject: Re: 4.62.9-1 & MailScanner --lint
>>>> What does
>>>> grep -i clam /etc/MailScanner/virus.scanners.conf
>>>> say?
>>> [snip]
>>> [root at cheviot4 log]# grep -i clam
> /etc/MailScanner/virus.scanners.conf
>>> clamav          /usr/lib/MailScanner/clamav-wrapper     /usr/local
>>> clamd           /bin/false                              /usr/local
>>> clamavmodule    /bin/false                              /tmp
>>> [root at cheviot4 log]#
>>> Before requesting help I changed /tmp for /usr/local for the
>>> clamavmodule but that made no difference.
>>> Quentin
>>> --
>>> MailScanner mailing list
>>> mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info
>>> http://lists.mailscanner.info/mailman/listinfo/mailscanner
>>> Before posting, read http://wiki.mailscanner.info/posting
>>> Support MailScanner development - buy the book off the website!
>>> --
>>> MailScanner mailing list
>>> mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info
>>> http://lists.mailscanner.info/mailman/listinfo/mailscanner
>>> Before posting, read http://wiki.mailscanner.info/posting
>>> Support MailScanner development - buy the book off the website!
>> --
>> MailScanner mailing list
>> mailscanner at lists.mailscanner.info
>> http://lists.mailscanner.info/mailman/listinfo/mailscanner
>> Before posting, read http://wiki.mailscanner.info/posting
>> Support MailScanner development - buy the book off the website!


- -- 
Julian Field MEng CITP
Buy the MailScanner book at www.MailScanner.info/store

MailScanner customisation, or any advanced system administration help?
Contact me at Jules at Jules.FM

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