(conversion possible?) quarantined HAM in queue files
Bart van den Heuvel
bart at zokahn.com
Fri Apr 27 14:21:56 IST 2007
is there any way to convert these RFC822 files to something usefull.
I can open them with postcat and that seems display the file ok.
I read somewhere that you can also use postcat to convert the files into
eml files of maybe even use a combo postcat and a mail program to send the
files on their way.
Any pointers on this? The files are still stuck i'm affraid...
On Thu, April 26, 2007 2:33 pm, Glenn Steen wrote:
> On 26/04/07, Drew Marshall <drew at technologytiger.net> wrote:
>> On Thu, April 26, 2007 10:16, Bart van den Heuvel wrote:
>>> OK, so i can leave the extention out when i copy the queue file.
>> Well sort of. You shouldn't be copying anything with that extension. if
>> you cd /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/<date>/<queuefile>.<4digits>
>> and list the contents, what do you get?
>> You should see another file just called <queuefile> this is the one to
>> change the permissions, owner (If required) and copy to the relevent
>> queue.
> True for the "normal" quarantine Drew... But I think Bart is looking
> at the spam quarantine, where he just has the queue file (if quarantining
> non-queue files, it'd be the RFC822-decoded message in a file named <queue
> ID>.<random 5>). So... We're not (hopefully)
> completely wrong:-).
>>> The main problem is that if i requeue the file in the respective
>>> queue the message stands there until i do a (in webmin it is also not
>>> mentioned as a queued message):
>>> postfix check
>>> then the file disapeares into nothingness, it is never mentioned in
>>> any log (/var/log/mail.log) even postfix -vv check never mentionds the
>>> queue file operation.
>> The reason the file you are copying will go is that Postfix will
>> recreate the hashed queue directories if it detects no mail in the
>> queue. The file you have been moving about can't be a queue file (As
>> Postfix knows it) or
>> it would have been detected and processed.
> Hm. Might it actually be an RFC822 file? Easy enough to check with a
> regular pager like less, and possibly postcat. ... In which case the advice
> about using sendmail (the conveniance command) or similar tool would come
> into play (from the wiki doc).
> Cheers
> --
> -- Glenn
> email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
> work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se
> --
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