(no subject)

Stefan Fournier Stefan.Fournier at gmx.de
Tue Apr 3 11:31:47 IST 2007

Matt Hampton wrote:
> Jim Coates wrote:
>>>> I have multiple public IPs available to my box, I just 
>>> don't know if
>>>> its possible to configure SendMail to always associate a particular 
>>>> outbound domain with one IP and another outbound domain 
>>> with another
>>>> IP.
> Makes perfect sense.  However a straightforward sendmail installation 
> can only have one "client" ip per protocol (i.e. you can have one client 
> address for IPv4 and one for IPv6 but not 2 for IPv4).
> However there may be a way around this but it depends on whether you are 
> willing to accept a small delay in your outbound email for one of the 
> domains.
> Here's how I would do it.
> Modify your existing sendmail.mc file and add the following line:
> CLIENT_OPTIONS(`Family=inet, Address=A.B.C.D')dnl
> Create a separate config file with
> CLIENT_OPTIONS(`Family=inet, Address=A.B.C.E')dnl
> FEATURE(queuegroup, `mqueue2')dnl
> QUEUE_GROUP(`mqueue2', `P=/var/spool/mqueue2')
> Then modify "Outgoing Queue Dir" in MailScanner to a rule set to put the 
> second domain into the new queue directory.
> Modify the queue runner interval on the queue for a suitable value and 
> volia.
> (if you use NAT for your system there is also the "b" Daemon port 
> modifier which will send outbound email from the same IP address that it 
> was received)
> matt

This is how we do it and it works very stable in a large environment.
Also make sure that the ip-address in CLIENT_OPTIONS coresponds to confDOMAIN_NAME
For sendmail 8.14 there is a feature implemented to do this, IIRC.

Best Regards,

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