OT: Multiple Outgoing IPs?
Alex Neuman van der Hans
alex at nkpanama.com
Mon Apr 2 21:47:48 IST 2007
Doc Schneider wrote:
> Jim Coates wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info
>>> [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at lists.mailscanner.info] On Behalf
>>> Of Paul Kelly :: Blacknight
>>> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 2:31 PM
>>> To: MailScanner discussion
>>> Subject: Re: OT: Multiple Outgoing IPs?
>>> Jim Coates wrote:
>>>> Hey gang...
>>>> This is totally off-topic, but I know there are some very smart
>>>> individuals here who might have some ideas for me.
>>>> The company I work for recently purchased another company (both
>>>> companies are very small).
>>>> Because of how we track bonded sender info and such, I need to have
>>>> both domains (one for each company) sending outgoing mail
>>> on different
>>>> IPs.
>>>> Ideally, I don't want to add another mail server and would
>>> like to be
>>>> able to take advantage of all the filtering and such that I have
>>>> enabled on the existing *nix based mail server.
>>>> I've been told that it is not possible to set outgoing IPs in
>>>> SendMail, so I'm looking for suggestions of how I might be able to
>>>> make this work.
>>> Could you explain a little bit more as to what you need? I'll ask a
>>> question or two so I can clarify what I think you want to do.
>>> You have an existing scanning machine where domain1.com
>>> lives, is that
>>> correct?
>>> You want domain2.com to have its inbound e-mail sent to this box and
>>> have it delivered onto another mailserver by IP address, is
>>> that correct?
>>> If you could answer that, I'll see what might work for you.
>>> Paul
>> Paul,
>> Here is exactly what I need:
>> Domain one and domain two both already come inbound to the same box via
>> unique DNS mail records that both point to the same IP. SendMail is
>> currently configured to accept both domains and route them to local users
>> (which is exactly how I want it to work on that end).
>> I don't need to relay to another box, what I am looking to do is take mail
>> originating from the mail server and send it outbound from a different IP.
>> For example, if I send an email to you as "jim at domain.one" it will come from
>> one IP address. If I send you an email as "jim at domain.two", I want it to
>> come from a different IP address.
>> I have multiple public IPs available to my box, I just don't know if its
>> possible to configure SendMail to always associate a particular outbound
>> domain with one IP and another outbound domain with another IP.
>> Does that make sense?
>> What we are trying to do is separate out the email so that bonded sender
>> information for one domain is not affected by the bounces and such from
>> another domain.
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
> Check out genericstable. I use it with sendmail to have different users
> come from different domains.
> Example:
> user1 user1 at domain.one
> user2 user2 at domain.two
> As long as the domains are different IPs it should do what you're wanting.
Not exactly. He means "use a different IP address for every outgoing
connection depending on the domain name used for the message". Not sure
if he means the domain on the *envelope* or on the *header*, which are
two different things.
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