New Installation @ Work

Steve Swaney steve.swaney at
Sun Sep 24 15:55:44 IST 2006

--[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just started a six month contract for a company, and after discussions with the other sys admin we have decided to run a POC to replace the current anti-viri/spam appliance with MailScanner.
> What I would be grateful with some help on is how I can create a second stream of the companies email to MailScanner from the existing SendMail installation so that we can see how it performs, without effecting the current mail implementation.  I have heard that there is a milter which will allow this, but are there any other methods.
> We can then use the results to form part of the business case, and hopefully get a full solution implemented.
> Cheers,
> --[ UxBoD ]--
> // PGP Key: "curl -s | gpg --import"
> // Fingerprint:     543A E778 7F2D 98F1 3E50  9C1F F190 93E0 E8E8 0CF8
> // Keyserver:                     Key-ID: 0xE8E80CF8
Look for an application called roundhouse at It's a 
free download.


Steve at

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