
Rob Poe rpoe at
Tue Sep 5 18:54:47 IST 2006

> I have a client with an older linux box running MailScanner and it's just being crushed ... with spam....
> It's a Celeron 2.0 ghz / 512mb ram / dual IDE disk
>  10:55:02  up 19:05,  1 user,  load average: 6.23, 4.56, 4.04

> Seeing things like this:  Sep  5 10:56:12 mail MailScanner[25809]: Batch processed in 61.70 seconds 
> I've tried 5, 3 and now 2 MS children.

>What does 'free' report? Using swap? Increase MS children up to 4 or 5 
>until they start using swap, or add ram if they are already swapping.

            total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        479644     447512      32132          0      93536     161792
-/+ buffers/cache:     192184     287460
Swap:      2112440       4356    2108084

FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `Rejected - see')dnl 
FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `Rejected - see')dnl 

They had problems with the and because their biggest client / vendor  is on a shared server that has sent spam (and is listed).  So it blocks their clients / vendor's email.....

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