SPF Scans on outgoing mail

Alex Neuman alex at nkpanama.com
Mon Oct 30 22:30:20 GMT 2006

Josh Dayberry escribió:
> Here is my problem. I have many mobile users of my server. When they 
> send e-mail their e-mail fails the SPF tests and their IP is submitted 
> for RBL tests and things of that sort. However, all users with the 
> ability to send e-mail on my server should not have their e-mail 
> scanned at all. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to figure out how to 
> stop MailScanner from scanning e-mail received from users who 
> authenticate. Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Josh Dayberry
> josh at thematthewsgroup.com
I was just looking at your headers a bit more closely. MailScanner says 
(SpamAssassin says (SPF Failed)), so it might be a question of your 
perl's SPF stuff going bad. Is your SpamAssassin updated? Is your 
Mail::SPF::Query updated? Is Net::DNS, Net::CIDR updated? A broken 
module might be doing it. Did you try spamassassin -D --lint to check 
for any issues?

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